Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Woodguy’s Steampunk Desktop in Victorian style

If you have a fascination for antiquities, you’ll love Woodguy’s 19th century style Steampunk Desktop PC mod. It is a perfect gift for those who’ve been pissed off by looking at the same black or silver computers and keyboards made of plastic. Even for luxury aficionados, the latest Steampunk Desktop in brass finish is a thing to delight. It perfectly fuses modern technology with antiquity and proves that Woodguy can even show his expertise on metals not just the wood. This computer works like your usual Computer system.
Wood Computer

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

a Story to Share

Aku dilahirkan di sebuah dusun pegunungan yang sangat terpencil. Hari demi hari, orang tuaku membajak tanah kering kuning, dan punggung mereka menghadap ke langit. Aku mempunyai seorang adik, tiga tahun lebih muda dariku.

Suatu ketika, untuk membeli sebuah sapu tangan yang mana semua gadis disekelilingku kelihatannya membawanya, Aku mencuri lima puluh sen dari laci ayahku. Ayah segera menyadarinya. Beliau membuat dikku dan aku berlutut di depan tembok, dengan sebuah tongkat bambu di tangannya."Siapa yang mencuri uang itu?" Beliau bertanya. Aku terpaku, terlalu takut untuk berbicara. Ayah tidak mendengar siapa pun mengaku, jadi Beliau mengatakan, "Baiklah, kalau begitu, kalian berdua layak dipukul!" Dia mengangkat tongkat bambu itu tingi-tinggi. Tiba-tiba, adikku mencengkeram tangannya dan berkata, "Ayah, aku yang melakukannya!"

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

4 in 1 Red laser pointer has WiFi

Heading one step forward towards a gadget that does absolutely everything… well at least hopes to – is this 4 in 1 red laser pointer with WiFi. Tagged at a rather hefty $49.95, this latest gadget helps you by detecting WiFi networks near by. 802.11b/g wireless networks are supported and when they are detected, you’ll know that its approximately up to 150-feet away. The 4 in 1 laser pointer is of course also functional as a stylus for mobile devices and mobile phones, a LED flashlight and not to mention a laser pointer.

4 in 1 Red laser pointer has WiFi

Source: Gadgetlite

Meet the Gboard – there’s a gadget for Gmail too

Exactly like its name suggests, the Gboard is complementary to your existing keyboard and acts as your personal assistant by allowing you to quickly access your Gmail. If you’re a Gmail user and you’re so busy (or lazy) that you don’t even have the time to click on your browser shortcut then this 19-key Gboard keyboard is what you might want to check out.
Meet the Gboard – there’s a gadget for Gmail too